We are hosting events with friends, partners and non-profits consistently throughout the hunting seasons. Expositions, Charity Hunts, Demonstrations, and Corporate gatherings are great ways to meet other enthusiasts, test new gear or take some time to sharpen your skills. If you have any questions, just contact us for more information.

Premier Wingshooting's bigs and littles Pheasant & Chukar Shoot
Fathers and Son, Fathers and Daughters, Grandpa and Grandson, Moms and Daughters, whatever the combination, join us for our once a year endeavor to make memories and introduce your littles to the outdoors
Saturday February 1, 2025 9:30am start
$500/pair, $200 add-on shooter
This simulated driven shoot, lets the older shooters insure safety while introducing the younger shooters to wingshooting.

Ladies Upland 101
A Progressive learning day for ladies wanting to hunt the uplands.
Lometa, TX
January 13, 2024- 9am